Saturday 10 March 2007


Just like my lucky bamboo, I neglected it and it died! R.I.P. my first blog attempt. And good luck to my second. Check it out at
Over and Out...

Wednesday 31 January 2007

More Doodles, and the end of Full Time Unemployment

Well, it's not been the best start to a new blog, has it? I fell into something of an unemployment slump over the last few weeks and couldn't find the motivation to do anything much. But I'm back on board now complete with new banner and profile picture.

Thanks to O for spending yonks trying to make the banner work (I knew there'd be an upside to dating a computer scientist), and thanks to Dave for providing the photoshoped image that is now my profile picture - I must admit, I didn't know what to expect when that e-mail entitled "I would like to show you my doodle" turned up in my inbox!

And, speaking of doodles, thanks to all that have contributed to "Students with Doodles". I have set up a Flickr page that has an album of the doodles that people have sent me. You can even view it as a slideshow! Keep them coming folks...

And also...tonight is my last night of full time unemployment. Tomorrow I start some casual work in the library at Vision Australia. What a relief it will be to have something to do and some money coming in. I'm excited at the prospect of starting a new job (and also a bit anxious).

I hope to be a more regular blogger in the future (wow, this sounds like the promises I always make in my diary at the start of a new year and break almost immediately). I think the work that O puts into his blog freaks me out a little. I guess I just wanted a platform to babble on, and a way of keeping in touch with those I don't see as much as I would like. Hopefully, with some more regular postings, this blog will serve its purpose - although I do find the idea of a blog without a purpose rather appealing...

Saturday 6 January 2007

Students With Doodles

Earlier in the year Nadia, Angus and I went to the Picasso exhibition and I can't remember quite how the idea formed, or who ought to receive the credit, but we came up with a wonderful concept ... Many of Picasso's sketches looked not too dissimilar from some of the doodles that we had been doing in our more boring classes. Now, I'm no art critic - I suppose his were quite a bit better than ours, but we certainly did have some talented artists in our course, and also just some bored doodlers, like myself.

Well, we decided that this talent should be show-cased in the form of an exhibit entitled "Students with Doodles". I know there's some good work out there. I've sat next to many a talented artist in the last year - I think Professional Issues and Practice tended to produce the best work myself! So don't throw those old tatty notes out - contribute to the gallery! You may remain anonymous if you wish - here's a couple to start us off. I'll add some more when I can get myself to a scanner.

If you wish to provide a doodle for the gallery, you can either give it to me when we next see each other or scan it and email it to:
You may also give your doodle a title, and, if you like, specify the class it was created in. In this way, the gallery will also serve as a survey to determine the most boring class of the grad dip. Any bets?

P.S. Thanks for the emails and comments people left. It was wonderful to hear from so many of you. I've been a bit slack with the whole blog thing of late as it has been far too hot to move, let alone think. But the weather seems to be taking a nice stormy turn just about now.

Tuesday 2 January 2007

Happy New Year ... And All That Jazz

Hello and welcome to my blog. If you are reading this, it means that I am still unemployed (and you are probably employed and wasting precious time and bandwidth procrastinating at work!).

Well, Owen convinced me to take the plunge and join the blogosphere. So here I am. I'm starting this with a couple of objectives in mind. Mostly, I am hoping that this blog will help me keep in contact. Having just finished my Grad Dip, I'm hoping that this will serve as a way to keep in touch with my fellow Info Man graduates. Also, being tied up with the Grad Dip has resulted in me being a rather slack friend over 2006 so I'm hoping it'll also help me stay in contact with those interstate, and those I don't see as much as I'd like. So feel free to leave comments, have a read, correct my spelling and/or grammar, or completely ignore this if it's not your thing. I'm also hoping to use this as a reading diary - something all good librarians should have (or so I am told) and maybe as a personal kind of journal too. Well, not too personal but you know what I mean - if I bitch about you I promise I'll use a pseudonym!

I also wanted to say - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Owen, Gypsy and I saw in 2007 in very low key fashion by staying in and watching the fireworks on telly. I made a new year's resolution not to swear and broke it almost immediately while playing a boardgame with Owen. Still, I'm back on the wagon now. I hope 2007 holds wonderful things for us all!